

Suburbia This shows a more simple neighborhood with a more simple pattern. Tight knit, but navigable. 

Image  This shows a more complex pattern of Suburbia that seems as though it was built for profit and efficiency: as many homes as possible in a particular amount of space.

The space in suburbia can have a negative or a positive feeling depending on how you look at it and how it makes you feel. It can be considered an acquired taste and definitely has its benefits.

  • In terms of safety, suburbia tends to be known as a safer place to live and walk around at night. It’s not usually in the middle of a busy city or urban area and tends to be around shopping areas, wal-marts, and pharmacies. It’s usually placed in areas that make you feel like you are leaving the busy city life and going home to get away from all of the hectic issues. The placement of the homes, as seen in both of the pictures included, are usually in a close continuous pattern. Average neighborhoods for middle-class families are built fairly close together. Neighbors can always see what’s going on at all times around everyone’s home. This could be good or bad, debatable. For the sake of my current argument, it’s a positive. Many times these suburban neighborhoods have community watch groups composed of a few of the people in the neighborhood. The tight knit pattern of the houses keeps everyone at a close range from each other making their job easier and safer. The other side of the argument, which would go against the closeness of the homes, could include issues with stalking, noise disturbances, and being uncomfortable.  
  •    The liveliness of Suburbia can depend on the people that it’s made up of. My neighborhood in particular, always has cul-de-sac get-togethers and Sunday fun days. The children all play together and the dogs all run around and play. Even if you’re sitting inside the house with the window open, the sound of everyone’s laughter and every dogs bark can make life feel serene and make you feel more at home. Most of the homes also partake in every holiday and change their decorations in respect to the current holiday. Christmas turns into the North Pole with beautiful lights, reindeer and multiple Santa’s to light up the night. Coming home to season’s greetings, cookouts and parties make life in suburbia worthwhile. It is definitely a different “kind” of liveliness; it’s not the young crowd going from bar to bar until the morning hours drinking and dancing. It is a slower lifestyle and all of suburbia can feel like a safe home or comfort zone. As a young college student, I enjoy both worlds. The city life is fun, but especially for the holidays, there’s no place like home, in Suburbia.
  • The health of each suburban neighborhood depends on the location. There’s always the possibility that the nearby streams are polluted, a power plant nearby, or even electric towers can cause health problems. Unfortunately these situations are common and cause many birth defects and health issues for those residing in these neighborhoods. This link takes you to my neighborhoods website, where you can learn more about the location of my dream winter land and the community,, which is complete with a map of the surrounding area; so you can be informed of the safety, health, and liveliness of this Suburbia. 
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